Canada cooks!

Happy Canada Day!

Well, my table is all set and I’m taking the day off to celebrate the birthday of my wonderful homeland. While I bask in the sunshine, I point you to two great blogs that are celebrating Canadian Cuisine today.

Jasmine and Jennifer are two well-known Canadian bloggers who have divided Canadian cuisine into sweet and savoury categories. They’ve canvassed their readers and today they’re showcasing the foods that their readers say make Canada taste great. The event is called Mmm….Canada and I hope you check it out:

• Jennifer explores the sweet side of Canada at Domestic Goddess.

• While Jasmine showcases the savoury goodness of Canadian cooking at Confessions of a Cardamom Addict.

6 Responses to Canada cooks!

  1. Happy Dominion Day 🙂 Hope you enjoy your time off. Thanks for pointing me to these sites. They look delicious.

  2. danamccauley says:

    Don’t forget to check out Homemaker’s home page for your 100 favourite things about Canada:

  3. megan says:

    I’m going up the Oregon and washington coast on vacation in 3 days and I get to go across the border into Canada for one afternoon. Were only going into Victoria but I’m super excited! I’ll go check out that Canadian favourites articule. Happy Canadian Day!

  4. danamccauley says:

    Enjoy your trip! Victoria is a beautiful little city. Also, check out Cheryl’s blog (5SecondRule – it’s on my blog roll.) She just got back from Vancouver Island and wrote about her trip. I’m sure she’d give you pointers if you dropped her an email.

  5. Cheryl says:

    Yes, I will, Megan. Do drop me a line, esp. if you’re interested in eating well on the island. My trip to Victoria was wonderful. You can search “Victoria” and “Untravelogue” on my blog to find out a little, then email me if you’d like more info. Thanks, Dana, for the plug, and happy, happy Canada Day to you and yours.

  6. Cakespy says:

    Oh, Canada!! I got a postcard from a friend in Canada today so I am dreaming of Nanaimo Bars and butter tarts right now. I’m in the spirit all right!

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