Topline Trends Tuesday: Flavour trends of note


Although it isn’t true that I never repeat myself (just ask my son if I’m a broken record and he’ll give you his signature eye roll in agreement -yeah, he’s at that stage), I do try to make each of these posts at least somewhat original. That said, although I’ve already discussed some of these trends here and in my latest Topline Trends newsletter, people keep asking me to list what I think the top flavour trends are right now!!! So, today I’m posting this succinct little, alphabetical list that interested folks can refer to easily:

1. Bacon: in desserts. So wrong but so good.
2. Flavoured sugars: for finishing baked goods, as a garnish and for coffee and tea.
3. Floral flavours: beyond rose and lavender, this trend is expanding to include hibiscus in desserts and cocktails.
4. Fruit in burgers: jazzing up meat patties with fruit fillings and toppings will be popular in restaurants this summer.
5. Fruits: in drinks, yumberry is emerging and acai continues to gain momentum. That said, local fruit will be king in the kitchen during harvest season.
6. Fruitwood smoke: applewood, persimmon and cherry will add subtlety to smoked meats, cheese, fish and more.
7. Greek flavours: oregano, garlic, lemon and mint will reach new gourmet heights when teamed together.
8. Miso: look for more people using miso in home cooked soups, salad dressings and marinades.
9. Pepper: from comet tail to bali long, pepper is hot for 2009.
10. Varietal citrus: meyer lemons, kaffir lime and blood orange are turning up in products and recipes at a rapid pace.

On a personal note, I’m hooked on grapefruit these days. What flavour(s) are you hooked on these days?

13 Responses to Topline Trends Tuesday: Flavour trends of note

  1. Greek’s making a comeback? I love Greek food! Nice to see fruit featuring so predominantly.

    What am I hooked on? Right now with my stuffy nose, I’m digging anything with ginger in it. Love hot ginger tea.

  2. danamccauley says:

    Char, do you have a cold, too? I came home and went to bed yesterday afternoon – just too sick to work. I’m feeling better today but still not tip top. Hope you’re on the mend, too!

  3. Rosa says:

    Wow, I still have to try bacon in desserts and I’d love to taste fruitwood smoke or to find meyer lemons!

    A great list! Mmmhhh, Greek and floral flavors are fantastic!



  4. truenorth67 says:

    Dana, HERE HERE for Greek food and it’s flavours. It’s nice to see Greek food getting notice.

  5. ash says:

    fruit in burgers?! gah. i’ll stick with savory burgers, thank you. 🙂

  6. danamccauley says:

    Ash, keep an open mind! We made lamb burgers flavoured with mint and garlic and then topped them with mozzarella cheese and cranberry sauce – delish!

  7. Elra says:

    Wow, fruit in burger? now that a new trend! But, miso? I didn’t know that this is new?

  8. Cheryl A says:

    It is all about passion fruit for me right now. I’m trying to perfect a passion fruit ice cream recipe and, oh darn, requires testing.
    And citrus… lots of citrus at this time of year.
    Argh, I just realized how not local that is.

  9. danamccauley says:

    Elra, not necessarily new – just trending up. In other words, miso is gaining momentum with consumers.

    Cheryl A, it’s pretty hard to eat local fruit in Canada during February – don’t beat yourself up!

  10. Natashya says:

    We have been eating a lot of grapefruit these days too. I guess the palate needs that jolt after a long, stultifying winter.
    I am starting to crave BBQ again, after the deep freeze. Grilled kabobs with tangy marinades, Greek, Jerk…mmmmmm….

  11. Cheryl says:

    I’m all over that citrus… it looks beautiful! I’m very into lime this day. Lemon always seems friendly and accessible, but I find myself craving the flavor of lime. I think it’s because I discovered good Mexican food relatively late in life.

  12. Kevin says:

    I have tried or am about to try a number of things on that list. I have really been enjoying miso over the last two years. Recently I have been experimenting with adding it to western or non traditional Japanese dishes like chicken noodle soup or chicken pot pie.

    I have also been enjoying grapefruit recently and I have been having one with breakfast every morning.

  13. Candice says:

    I’m glad to see citrus on that list! I was so pleased to find Meyer lemons at my local organic grocery store a few days ago. I thought you couldn’t really get them north of California! 😀

    As for flavours I’m hooked on, I’d have to say vanilla is my current love.

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