Weird things you can do with vodka

January 23, 2009

skittlesvodkaPhoto credit:

Over the holidays I felt sorry for vodka. People were drinking gin martinis, Manhattans and many other spirit based drinks but vodka bottles, the former darling of the modern bar, were growing dusty on the back shelf. In fact, I made only one batch of pomegranate martinis during the whole festive season.  

Always keen to help a friend (even if it is a distilled spirit) in need, I did a little internet sleuthing and discovered that a strong faction of vodka support remains.

Check out these interesting ways to enjoy vodka. They might come in handy as you couch surf in the next few wintery weeks enjoying the return of Battlestar Galactica, Lost and Damages (oh, how I love a cocktail and a good hour long drama!):

Skittles vodka
Vodka in a tube
Sweet Tea vodka

And, if you want some truly innovative ways to use vodka around the house, consult this list.

What’s your favourite use for vodka? Do you drink it in martinis, infuse it with candies or use it as a foot odour cure like the site above recommends?
