Worth replacing: Five Roses cookbook

Not only is my mom’s 60’s edition of the Five Roses cookbook worth replacing, I have replaced it once. I’m not sure why I’m still so attached to this book. I haven’t made one of the recipes as it’s written in this book in years. Yet, I still find myself leafing through it for ideas quite often. Even more peculiar is that my mother, still an active home cook, no longer has a copy of this book since I have hers. Apparently Five Roses cookbook dependency skips generations.

I learned to bake from this book and my mother used it frequently when I was growing up, too. The pies, cookies and cakes in the Five Roses cookbook form the backbone of childhood food memories. Although my mother had three or four cookbooks, this was the ‘go to it’ book for anything that she didn’t have committed to memory. It was the workhorse of our kitchen.

Highlights I recall from childhood are the Yorkshire pudding, the biscuits, butterscotch meringue pie and the hermit cookies. These recipes are on the most tattered and splattered pages of my mom’s original copy.

Did your mother have a favourite recipe book? And, if she did, do you have a copy of it that you can’t part with?

208 Responses to Worth replacing: Five Roses cookbook

  1. Candace says:

    Hmmm… my mom doesn’t really cook much, so I didn’t inherit any cookbooks. My favorite go-to cookbook, however, is Fannie Farmer. Fantastic basic basic recipes. I’m like you, I never make any of the recipes verbatim, but use it as a guideline for easy meals. Its currently being held together with a large rubberband. I blogged about it 🙂 http://www.ishotthechef.com/2007/09/15/check-out-my-fannie/

    • Carol says:

      I had the Five Rose cookbook but I don’t any longer. The best Mac and
      Cheese recipe ever.
      Would anyone happen to have THAT recipe . I would love to make it again. Thanks

      • Marjorie Ostrander says:

        HI Carol…ask and you shall receive…

        Macaroni au Gratin

        4-6 servings

        1.5 cups elbow macaroni
        0.25 cup butter or margarine
        0.25 cup flour
        1 tsp salt (optional)
        0.25 tsp pepper
        0.25 tsp dry mustard (I use 2 tsp)
        2 cups milk
        1.5 cups grated cheddar cheese (we use marble)
        0.25 cup bread crumbs
        1 tblsp butter or margarine
        2 tblsp grated cheddar cheese (or parmesean)
        2 tblsp paprika

        Preheat oven 375. Cook macaroni according to package directions and drain. Melt butter in a saucepan and add flour and seasonings. Cook for 1 min. Slowly add milk stirring until sauce thickens. Add cheese and stir until sauce is smooth. Mix pasta and sauce in buttered baking dish. Mix together bread crumbs and melted butter spread over top. Top with remaining cheese and paprika. Bake until brown and bubbly.

        **In my house this recipe has evolved over the years…I drain the pasta over fresh spinach to wilt (or frozen to thaw) and add ham cubes. My now teenage kids have always loved it this way, and if I don’t add at least the spinach, they complain!!

        Enjoy. If you need any others, let me know. This book was always in my kitchen growing up and it’s still a go to.

      • Kim says:

        Thank you Marjorie!! I’ve been looking for this recipe everywhere 🙂

      • Vivian Torgerson says:

        I have the recipe …maybe you found it already

    • Donna LaPier says:

      I found my mother in laws 1956 edition of the five rose cook book, I have mine 1970’s edition. Question, can you still purchase these books. I want one for my grand daughters.

  2. Kathryn says:

    It was not a cookbook, but handwritten recipes in a thumb-indexed journal (the indexes being soups, cakes, meals, etc.). The early recipes are written by my Mother in the 1940’s; then come the childish scrawls first by my sisters, then an interlude by my Mother, and then by me; ending in the 2000’s with my Mother’s hand. The recipes reflect changes in both my Mother and society. On my Mother’s death, the book was passed to a Grand-daughter, but not before, I wrote out the recipes so I would have a copy. (The book is too fragile to photocopy. Many of the early recipes either came from the Five Roses or Monarch Flour cookbooks … or could have. When writing out the recipes, I found myself verifying in the Five Roses Cookbook.

  3. Nice story Kathryn!

    I’ll be sure to check out your post a little later today when I have minute Candace. Thanks for sharing!

    • I am trying to find one of these 5 ROSES COOK BOOK with the red spine but I cant find any only the new one without the spine hope I can find one ty have a good day deb

      • Terru Cote says:

        I have had the one with a pocket book binding, twice in my life. Lost the first one in a move, then replaced it. Best book for old traditional cooking.

    • Nicole says:

      the one i just found has coil and i a later edition

      • Nicky says:

        Hi! I’ve been looking to purchase the Fives Roses “A Guide to Good Cooking” Centennial Edition (21st Edition) (spiral bound) as it’s my favorite recipe book (has been since I got married in 1971). It’s condition is pretty much like Dana’s picture shows! I bought a new one, but it’s the 26th Edition (also spiral bound), but I really wanted to buy the 21st (Centennial) edition (I guess I’m just sentimental!). Does anyone know where I can buy it?

      • Roxanne Reiter-McKenzie says:

        Nicole, can you tell me if that recipe calls for a half cup or so of chopped tomatoes in it please?

  4. Rebecca says:

    My mom’s favorite is The Nashville Cookbook published by the Nashville Area Home Economics Association in the late 70s. A few years ago, she tracked down copies for me and my sister and copied her recipe notes in the margins. I love flipping through it and seeing little messages from her, like “This is GOOD” and “Do NOT use margarine.”

  5. Cheryl says:

    I have my mom’s old Silver Palate Cookbook. I only take it down occasionally since it has so much competition on my bookshelf, but I think of her every single time I use it.

  6. courtney says:

    I love vintage cook books like these. I cant bear to part with any of my mothers old ones. She inscibed them all to me before she died.I always get a smile going though one and seeing her inscription.

    • Joan palmer says:

      Do you happen to have the one with the blue cover, I don’t know what year it was published, but I really would like the recipe for Hunters Chicken from it. It also called Chicken Cacciatore, but the recipe calls for wine and brandy and it’s the best I’ve ever had. If anyone has it I would love to get that recipe again.

      • Carole McLeod says:

        I used to have this same book, but lost it in a house fire last year. One of my favorite recipes was Perfect Ham Glaze. Would sure like to get that one again.

  7. danamccauley says:

    How wonderful that cookbooks can have such a legacy. I hope that when I’m old and grey that I hear word that someone has a tattered notated copy of one of my books. That would be a compliment indeed!

  8. Natashya says:

    I have a couple of my mother’s cookbooks. My fave is the Vegetarian Epicure from 1972. The back has now given up and it needs to be babied as the sheets and sections are now free floating. But I am hesitant to replace it – it has history and character! For anyone who has not used this book, I recommend it.
    (ps, Cheryl – I have my mother’s Silver Palate Cookbook too! – I really should take a look at it soon, it has been a while)

  9. MelBell says:

    Oh Dana, my mom had that cookbook as well! I wonder if it’s still around…

  10. Dee Van Dyk says:

    I have a couple of Mom’s old recipe books, complete with handwritten recipes at the back of each, and I treasure them. She was a fabulous cook.

    Every year my mom used to make strudels for my birthday (it’s a unique recipe, not a sweet strudel). A couple of years ago she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s; her ability to cook was one of the first things to go. I can’t eat – or even think about – strudels without having so many fond memories of my mom.

  11. danamccauley says:

    Those kind of memories are bittersweet aren’t they Dee? Best to you and to your mom.

    MelBell, if you find the book, try the pancakes. They are pretty good.

    • lady_jen56@hotmail.com says:

      I am thrilled to have recently discovered that I can now replace my old Five Roses Cook Book with a new version. I bought mine in 1967. Also, mine looks exactly like the picture at the top of this page. The pancake recipe page is missing in my old book and I have missed it so much.

  12. Patti says:

    I have my grandmother’s and my mother’s cookbooks and recipes. The ‘go to book’ in my mother’s kitchen was the Purity Cookbook. I also have memories of pie, coconut cream and butterscotch especially, and homemade rolls. The cookbook had become tattered and I bought a new copy a couple of years ago.

  13. Bill from Ottawa says:

    Re Five Roses Cookbook. My copy also dates back to the 60’s and is completely worn out. I learned to cook many things with this book and for years it was a Christmas tradition to make cookies with the recipies in this book. This past weekend my daughter and I were leafing through it and she asked if it is still available. We both want copies. Do you know if it is still in print and if so where it can be purchased?
    Your advice would be much appreciated.

    Best regards,


    • Nicole says:

      my twenty second edition says Lake of the Woods Milling Company, Limited. Also Five Rose Kitchen Box6089 Montreal,PQ New edition in 2003 on ebay.

    • Joan palmer says:

      I have lost my recipe for Hunters Chicken( chicken Cacciatore) from the Five Roses book. I really would like to be able to get it.

      • Caroline says:

        Hi Joan, This is from page 160 in the Five Roses cookbook. I hope it is the one you are looking for. It’s called Chicken Cacciatora.
        1 cut up chicken (3-4 lbs)
        1/4 cup Five Roses Flour
        1/4 cup olive oil
        2 medium sized sliced onions
        1 clove garlic minced
        2 1/2 cups canned tomatoes
        1 can (5 1/2 oz. size) tomato sauce
        1 tsp salt
        1 tsp oregano
        1/2 tsp celery seed
        1/4 tsp pepper
        1 bay leaf
        1/4 cup of dry white wine
        Coat chicken pieces in flour and brown in olive oil. Remove chicken from skillet. Add onions and garlic and saute until tender but not brown. Combine remaining ingredients (except wine).
        Return chicken to skillet and pour sauce on top. Cover and simmer 45 minutes; stir in wine, if used. Cook uncovered turning chicken occasionally, about 20 minutes or until chicken is tender and sauce is thick. Skim off excess fat and remove bay leaf. Serve with rice or noodles. Enjoy

      • Joan palmer says:

        Thanks for this, Caroline.

  14. danamccauley says:

    Hi Bill,

    Whitecap published an edition with on intro by Liz Driver of the 60’s version a few years ago but I think it is currently out of print.

    You can contact Whitecap via their website for more info: http://www.whitecap.ca/contact_us.asp

  15. Bev says:

    I have my mom’s old Five Roses cookbook published in 1954. I sure would like to get a replacement for it but I doubt if there are any left from that year.
    She used it lots…. some areas more than others.
    Lots of warm memories of her looking at this book. Wished I could return to that time.


  16. […] square and both a hermit and a chocolate nut drop cookie. (I think all the recipes came from the Five Roses Cookbook!) Although Santa’s health wasn’t a concern, our snack choice for the reindeer was always a […]

  17. sbigattini says:

    I was given the five roses cookbook as a teenager. I still use it all the time. The great thing about this cookbook is that it makes recipes from scratch. I would love to find one for my daughter if there are any copies still available. shelly

  18. Shelley says:

    I have favorite recipes from my Mother-in-Law they were not in a book but she translated them to English from French for me and I will make my husbands favorite “Oatmeal Spice Cake” every birthday for him. My mother always baked with Five Roses Flour but never had the cookbook. I understand they have recently reprinted the book because of the demand. My sisters friend lost his and ordered a new one from Chapters . This cookbook is a great part of Canada’s history and I am sure there are alot of stories to be told of the recipes it contains. I happen to come across one at an estate sale, believe it or not it is copyright, Canada 1938. It must be the original printing because it is “A Guide to Good Cooking. compiled by the makers of Five Roses Flour. (Lake of the Woods Milling Company(Jean Brodie). I have tried to get more information on it but have not been able to find much. Can anyone help?

  19. danamccauley says:

    Shelley – thanks for your nice long comment. I can definitely help. Liz Driver, curator of Toronto’s Campbell House Museum and author of Culinary Landmarks: A Bibliography of Canadian Cookbooks, 1825-1949, will definitely be able to help. You can contact her through the museum.

  20. Jean Turner says:

    That’s one of my fav books too! Unfortunately, I’ve misplaced my copy.

    If anyone can take pity on me, will you please email me the pound cake recipe (that uses mace) to kiltswinger1@yahoo.ca

    I would be eternally grateful (and so would my family!)


  21. Shaela says:

    I just received an email about the newest copy of the Five Roses Cookbook. It is available and can be ordered by sending a check or money order for $17.90 which includes postage, shipping and GST to:
    A Guide To Good Cooking

    Cookbook Department

    80 Whitehall Dr. Markham, ON

    L3R 0P3

    I emailed Smuckers who now own Five Roses.
    Hopes this helps and HAPPY COOKING!

  22. michelle St Denis says:

    My mom allways used the old five roses cook book and also my grand mother(God rest her soul).All my sisters got the coupons out of the back of the books,But i never got one. I sure would love to have this cookbook.I love the recipies. i allways have to call my mom for a recipie.and allways missplace them when i want to bake again.wish i could get one(five rose cookbook
    five Rose Wish

  23. marie says:

    OMG Ive been looking for this cookbook for years her mom gave it to her and it was distroyed several years ago when our house flooded. I was wondering do you know where I can get a copy of this edition? If so please please email me and let me know. greeneyed_fate@hotmail.com


  24. sharon paul says:

    I also want to replace my cookbook, lost in a move, it was the white cover copy from the seventies. Does anyone know where I can find another one? My daughter found a Five Roses from the 50’s, with a robin egg blue cover, I love it, but doesn’t have the same recipes I have always referred to.
    Thanks Sharon
    PS: Here’s my email: sharonpaul708@gmail.com

  25. Wendy Voykin says:

    I also lost my 1970’s copy that I received as a bridal gift due to a house fire, and it was my cooking bible, I find that the newer editions due not have the same things in them. If anyone knows how i could get one I would appreciate it. voykinw@aol.com

  26. Jennifer says:

    I emmigrated to Canada in 1966 and was always stumped when making pastry as in England we always used self raising flour my friend who had immigrated with us( I got married one week and came here the next and she married my husband’s cousin) bought me for one dollar and a tear off from the 5 Roses packet the 21st edition cookbook and here I am retired and a grandma and still using the same cookbook. I have plenty of other cookbooks but this is the one I use the most, my friend died in 1973 of a brain tumour but I still think of her kindly for this one dollar wonder, Thanks Janice!!

  27. Linda Potter says:

    MY Aunt years ago gave me the recipe for plain donuts but they had mashed potates in them and years have passed and many moves and of course I no longer have the recipe or my Aunt to get it from. My son asked me the other day when are you ever going to make some of those good donuts again mom, and I just stumbled across this web site hope you can help. thank-you

    • danamccauley says:

      Linda, I’ll check to see if you copy has that recipe. Back to you in a day or two.

    • danamccauley says:

      Hi Linda,

      The doughnut recipe in this version of the book doesn’t contain potatoes. It’s a basic sweet yeast dough cut into rings and fried.

    • Penny says:

      donuts from 5 roses cookbook

      2 3/4 c AP flur
      3/4 t. salt
      3 t. baking powder
      1 t. ground nutmeg
      3T. shortening
      2/3 c. sugar
      2 eggs
      1 t. vanilla
      1/2 c. milk
      1 kqt oil for frying

      stir first 4 ingredients together. cream shortening with half of th sugar. beat the eggs till lght and add remaining sugar gradually, beating between additions. combing shortening and egg mixture and vanilla. add dry ingredients alternating with milk to make a dough that is soft bu not stickky. cover bowl and chill 1 hour. press or roll dough on floured board to 1/4 inch thicknss. cut with floured donught cutter. Heat ol in deep fryer to 375 degree F. Fry till golden brown, turn an dfry for an additional 1-2 min. yield 2 doz.

      for potato donughts,
      2 3/4 AP flour
      4 t. baking powder
      1 t. salt
      2 T shortening
      1 c. sugar
      1 cup mashed potatoes
      1 eg
      3/4 c milk

      oil for frying.

      stir flour, baking powder and salt together. Cream shortening. beat in 1/2 of the sugar, mix with mashed potatoes. Beat egg lightly gradually beat in remaing sugar and combine with potato mixture. add dry ingredients. follow instructions from here for regular donughts.


  28. Lucia says:

    Wow,I raised a family on many of the recipies in this book and they were always a great success. I am now passing them on to my daughter in laws, they are now raising they own families.. emotions were stirred as I looked at the used pages, my book looks exactly as the one above,stained and brown pages but verymuch legible, I replaced it with a newer version years ago, but still hang on to the old one….for the love of cooking, memories and great food go together!

  29. MARILYN says:

    hi: i am tryin’ to get a free rec. for a light fruit cake .Gee i hope you can help it was in the FIVE ROSES COOKBOOK that my x kept, not that he can cook anyway lol
    Please get back to me as soon as possible , this rec. sits for 6 weeks before you can eat it . Thank You Marilyn Bell

  30. Marilyn says:

    I learned how to cook and bake as a young wife and mother in 1971. My ex kept my beloved Red Roses Flour cookbook and I am lost without it the cover came off of it, there were notes I wrote inside. I really miss it. I am looking for the recipe for 7 minute icing made on the stovetop using a double boiler and electric mixer. It was so easy and few ingredients were required. I cannot remember the measurements though. If anyone can help thanks a bunch.

    • Gail says:

      Seven Minute Frosting

      1 egg white,unbeaten 1 scant cup of sugar
      1/4 tsp.cream of tartar Few grains of salt 1/3 cup boiling water Vanilla

      Place sugar,salt,cream of tartar and boiling water in top of double boiler,place over boiling water,add unbeaten egg white,beat mixture with a rotary egg beater.Beat until thick and smooth.Remove from fire and add flavoring.

      Coffee may be substituted for hot water.

      To test Seven Minute and Boiled Frostings,cut with a silver knife.Frosting should retain the clean cut.If it runs together.it has not been cooked long enough.Cook it until you can obtain this test.All boiled frostings require longer cooking on damp,heavy days than they do on dry days.

      Hope you enjoy!

  31. Jenn says:

    I learned most of everything I know about baking and cooking from this wonderful book! My Mum got one as a wedding gift I believe and she still has it, stains and all!

    I coveted that cookbook and begged her to leave it to me in her will…. I didn’t think you could get them anymore! I was willing to transpose the recipes to my own computer! Then I got really lucky… I was poking around a second hand store one day when I came upon a newer version of the book (but still old enough to have the 25¢ clip out and give to your friends coupons) so I bought it! I still use it a lot.

  32. patricia sullivan says:

    I just wanted to write and say that I used to have a five rose cookbook that belonged to my grandmother. It had the best recipes for homemade bread and cinnamon rolls from scratch that always turned out. Well I lost my cookbook when I was moving and I`m lost without it. I go on the internet to find a recipe for homade bread and have a hard time finding one that is not for a bread machine. I don`t have a bread machine and I refuse to purchase ont. Can you please help me find a good old fashioned homemade white bread recipe thats easy to understand.

  33. Roxanne says:

    I have the same one except mine is in French and it looks exactly like that! The pages are falling out and full of stains, but I love it! It’s my favorite recipe book ever. I’ll definitely keep it for nostalgic reasons, but also for all the good recipes and techniques in the book. I just made the white bread and followed every step and it came out amazing! Just like they said it would, beautiful crunchy crust and soft interior.

  34. Penny says:

    I was lost when my 5 roses cook book was misplaced in moving. took me 4 yrs to find it. I love the sweet roll dough recipe. my most used recipe in the book. Makes the best breads.

    I agree that if it got destroyed, i would have to replace it. My favoirtes you can tell because the pages are messy.

  35. Maggie Pugh says:

    I am desperate for the recipe for pastry that was told came from the 1954 Five Roses cookbook. It uses the whole pound of Crisco and is emulsified with the water prior to adding the rest of the ingredients and is stored in the fridge while you are using it. Has anyone got this recipe?

  36. M. Jones says:

    I just found this book at my local Value Village. It’s the 1970’s version with the white cover, the one my mother used when I was a kid! It even still has the old coupons inside.

    I grew up with this book–It literally disintegrated through over-use and I thought it was gone forever. It was a staple of Cape Breton cooking, and I didn’t know any family there that didn’t have a copy. I was quite surprised to find an old copy here in Ontario, and in such good shape, but that riddle was quickly solved. Hidden in the first ten pages or so was a recipe for Cape Breton pork pies written on a well worn scrap of paper. Someone didn’t realize the legacy they had just given away!

  37. June says:

    My mom used the Five Rose Cookbook and bought me one for my wedding shower 25 years ago. I used it everyday and still go back to use it so many times or give references of cooking or baking to my daughter. I loved making the salmon pie and the roast with Yorkshire pudding and so many more great recipes. I have used other recipe books and end up getting ride of them and seem to always go back to my Five Rose Cookbook I am know going to purchase one for my daughter who has decided she wants to cook and bake for her family.

    • Joan palmer says:

      Does anyone have the recipe for Hunters Chicken (Chicken Cacciatore) from the Five Roses book? I would appreciate very much if someone could send it to me or print it as a reply here
      . Thanks..

  38. R.Magee says:

    My mother received the Five Roses cookbook from her father when she got married. Most of the pages are now detached from the spiral binding, but it has always been the “go to” book for our family. I found the new edition a few years ago and bought myself a copy. I now give it to friends who are getting married or just need a little help in the kitchen. It has been a 40 year tradition in our family and will continue to be passed down to future generations if I have anything to do with it.

  39. janice lewis says:

    Ibought my five roses cook book in 1977 for $2.00 using a coupon that was on the a 5lb packet.I live in Trinidad and Tobago. My book looks just like the one above I would like to replace it or rather have another one.The first 30 pages and the last 10 pages are missing.If only I could get copies of that edition it would be appreciated.This is by far the best cookbook I have ever used.Every recipe I have tried has been a huge success.

  40. I received both the Five Roses and Purity Flour cookbooks for shower gifts in October, 1966. Neither cookbook has the front or back cover, never mind the index but it’s easy to see which recipes are favoured by the splatters on them. They’re my source when I’m making pancakes or waffles, banana bread, peanut butter cookies and the best butter tarts in the world that DON’T boil over, amongst so many. What would I do without them, I don’t know. And both my kids have handwritten copies of so many of their recipes – because “they’re the best, Mom”.

  41. susan mikula says:

    I need a new book but right now i need the electric mixer pie doe recipe thanks

  42. Trinisoul says:

    My mom had a copy of this book as a child. It was my favourite The cover got discoloured but it had so much in there. My search here in the UK is not productive at the moment any edition would do me. My mom’s copy must of been 1974 copy and she got her’s in Trinidad. Even there it has not been seen in the eighties.

    Any suggestions of where I could find one?

  43. Patricia says:

    I too missed my Five Roses Cookbook, as did my daughter and my cousin, I found several copies available at Abe books.com , there are different editions which depend on the year published, so it helps if you remember the year (aprox) you first remember your mother,grandmother, aunt, ect. using it.By the way look for Lake of the Woods cookbook as this was company that put out Five Roses cookbooks.

  44. Linda Smart says:

    In 1970 when I got married, a grocery store was giving out gift baskets to new brides, in the basket was a Five Rose Cookbook it was bound with metal spiral. I still have it but used it so much there is no cover & is pretty shabby looking. Does anyone know where I could get another one. Forty years married this year and I am still using it. TY

  45. Shelley Dunbabin says:

    I have an old Five Roses A guide to GOOD COOKING cook book I have had it for close to 25 years or so and I would really like to get one for my 14 year old daughters hope chest, just not sure were to get one anyhelp would be greatful

  46. Arlene Crane says:

    I have had my five roses cook book for nearly 50 years and, and as you can imagine, it is now tattered and spattered…..it is my favourite cookbook and I desperately need a new one….where do I order a new one?

  47. Sherry says:

    I also have a Five Roses cook book. I love it. It is the ONLY cookbook I use when baking. I have carried it with me for over 30 years and through moves across four different countries. It will never leave me.

    I too, stole my mothers copy. (She never baked anyway.)

    I, on the other hand, HAVE made many of the recipes in it – mostly the cookies and cakes.

    It has the absolute BEST gingerbread cake recipe in the world and one that has made me famous in my current local area. People torture me every Christmas to make them one. I could open my own bakery on the demand alone!

    I would never trade my Five Roses book. Not for anything.

    If anyone would like me to look up a recipe from it for them, let me know.

    In the meantime I am writing to Smuckers to inform them of the massive demand for this cookbook and sending them the link to this site. They are missing an opportunity by not posting contact and order info for this book on their website.

    All of us love this cookbook and there must be even more people out there who feel the same.

    • Maggie says:

      Hi Sherry,
      Yes!!!! Would you please send me the recipe for the banana Nut loaf on page 28. Thanks so much. My cookbook is all tattered and torn. I’ve had it since the sixties.

    • Margaret says:

      Can you please send me the recipe for the Taffy Tarts similar to butter tarts ,I have lost my cook book and now lost the recipe I had..Thank you so much,Margaret

    • becky says:

      Hi! I know this message is 6 yrs too late, but I am desperately searching for the basic white bread recipe that my mom used to make and only used the five roses recipe book from it. Thanks in advance.

      • Caroline says:

        Hi Becky ..well it’s NEVER too late dear because here is your recipe 🙂

        White Bread (basic recipe)
        2 tsp. sugar
        1/2 cup of lukewarm water
        2 packages of active dry yeast
        2 cups milk
        2 cups cold water
        1/4 cup sugar
        5 tsp. salt
        1/4 cup shortening
        12 to 13 cups of Five Roses all purpose flour
        Soften yeast in warm water into which 2 tsp. sugar has been dissolved.Scald milk. In a large mixing bowl combine scalded milk, cold water,sugar, salt, and shortening; stir till sugar is dissolved. Cool till lukewarm and stir in yeast. Stir in half of the flour and beat vigorously with a wooden spoon until mixture is smooth and elastic. Add enough flour to obtain a soft dough that does not stick to the bowl. Turn out onto lightly floured board and knead until smooth and satiny, 8-10 minutes, adding flour as needed. Place in a large greased bowl, turn to grease top and cover with a clean towel and leave to rise in a warm humid place until double in bulk, about 1 hour. Punch down. Cut dough into 4 equal pieces; shape into bals cover and let rest again on the board for 10 mins. Shape into loaves and place into 4 greased 9 x 5 loaf pans. Grease top of loaves. Cover with a clean towel and let rise until double in bulk about 45 to 60 minutes.Preheat oven to 400 degrees F Bake loaves about 35 minutes. Remove from pans and cool on racks. Brush tops with butter or margarine, if desired. Cool completely before wrapping.
        Yield 4 loaves…Recipe can be split in half to make two loaves.

  48. Jessie says:

    I’ve been looking for a Five Rose Cookbook for years.
    I actually want two, my girls are almost out the door,
    they are gonna need one each. My Aunt actually gave me my copy when I was sixteen ( she didn’t care too much for a cake i had tried to make ) But yeah that’s how I
    learned to cook everything. My book is missing pages,
    has things dumped in it, basically WELL USED!
    There’s no longer a cover on it no copyright nothing
    for me to go by to get another. If anyone can help track one down I would be very grateful.
    This one starts with page 13 as YEAST BREADS, I think it has around 225 pages.

  49. Sherry says:

    Hi. Just to let you know that anyone looking for the Five Roses 26th Edition can still get one from Smuckers Food of Canada. Send a cheque for $17.50 to 80 Whitehall Dr., Markham, ON l3R 0P3. Apparently the French version is sold out. Thank you Dana for your suggestion. Also Abe Books.com sent me a used one for twice the price but thank you Patricia for the suggestion. Now I have 2.

    • Talbot girl says:

      That is awesome news. I will be sending in my cheque. My mom cooked from her version, probably from the early 60’s and she gave me one in the late 80’s. I refer to it often.

  50. Wondering if you can find a RED ROSE new COOK BOOK in the stores with a spine on it ty deb

  51. lilliane johnston says:

    Can I please have a copy of your cookbook.

  52. Trudy says:

    I have had mine since I got married 1965, I’m missing important pages, how can I get a new (old) one? I bought a newer one, but it has a lot of changes in it, not nearly so informative as the one I have

  53. Maggie says:

    My old 24th. edition of The Five Roses Cookbook is all tattered and torn. It’s the book with the spine. I can read a lot of the recipes but, the recipe I decided to make today is partly torn and can’t make out some of the ingredients. It’s the one for banana nut loaf. Does anyone have this recipe? If so would you please send it to me. Thanks a lot, no banana bread is as good as this one! Thanks, Maggie.

  54. melanie says:

    the pic up there with the cook book my mom had a book just like that, there was muffins i use to make but i can’t find the recipe anymore maybe u can help by looking in your book, they were just plain muffins that take alot of butter in them, they are a heavy muffin like bread almost,
    if u can help i would really love it
    thank you

  55. Bernice says:

    Hi trying to find where I can get a replacement for my cook book thanks

  56. elaine says:

    This photo looks exactly like like my Five Roses Cookbook – I can’t tell you how often it has been used in the 30-odd years I’ve had it — always my go to book.

  57. chantal says:

    do u know were i can order red roses flour cookbook. i would like 3 of them my book has fallin apart and would love to give to of those books to my frinds. please help me.

  58. Fay Lowe says:

    I have been looking for the cookbook every where. My nieghbour lost hers and mine is falling apart. Would love to get two copies so if anyone knows where I can get copies Please let me know.

  59. Allissa says:

    I have my mother’s old five roses cookbook and I use it quite frequently. I have however lost the page with the Old Fashioned Baked Rice Pudding recipe on it and am frustrated because I would like to make it again and it is the best rice pudding recipe I have ever came across.

    does any body out there happen to have a copy of this recipe and could you share it please!! Many thanks if you do!!

    • Ann-Marie says:

      Allissa, You may have found it already. 🙂
      Not sure if this is the one, but it comes from the 1932 edition black hardcover on page 138, hot desserts.

      Creamy Rice Pudding

      4 tablespoons rice
      1/3 cup sugar
      1/2 teaspoon salt
      2 1/3 cups evaporated milk
      1 1/2 cups water
      1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
      Raisins if desired

      Wash rice, add sugar, salt, milk and water. Pour into a buttered baking dish and add a sprinkling of nutmeg. Bake from 2 to 3 hours in a slow oven (250 to 350 deg. F) stirring several times during the first hour to prevent the rice from settling in the bottom.

      This is the old-fashioned creamy pudding which has a delicious flavour because of the long, slow cooking. Lemon rind may be substituted for the nutmeg.

  60. Jo-Anne says:

    I still use some recipes from my Dad’s Five Roses Flour and Purity Flour cookbooks. Particularly the Brownies recipe. That one called for mostly sugar with a little flour. The best Brownies recipe I’ve ever tasted. My favorite cookbook has always been the Betty Crocker cookbook from the 1960’s. Some of my favorite recipes are Waikiki Meatballs, Old Fashioned Stew and Chicken Cacciatore. You can’t beat some of those old recipes.

  61. Lyn says:

    Hello Dana, thank you for turning me on to the Five Roses cookbook. I am going to try to find a copy of it, because, well, one can never have enough recipes for “…butterscotch meringue pie and the hermit cookies…”.

    I wrote about my favorite cookbook, which is the 1981 edition of Better Homes and Gardens, on http://anoldcookbookcollector.blogspot.com/, and I have started other blogs and entered recipes at: onefoodietoanother.blogspot.com. Feel free to comment, post, or share your favorites! Lyn

  62. Lyn says:

    My mother’s recipes were always kept on the right side of her cupboard, in the corner, behind her mixer. The recipes were kept in a pile for many years and then stored in a variety of things, such as an open shoebox, a file folder attached to the fridge with a magnet, a basket, and a plastic recipe box. I often would help her clean up her kitchen cupboards and would suggest ways for her to organize these, but she always just kept them where they were. When anyone would organize them for her, she would always tell them that she could not find them afterwards. The collection is mine now, and every time I open the plastic bin that I put them in, I can smell her and her kitchen. She kept her favorite recipes in her own order, so that she could find them. My mother’s favorite cookbook was her loose clipped and handwritten recipe collection kept in a corner on the cupboard.

    PS: I have a 1915 Five Roses Cook Book and can provide recipes to anyone who wants them. Thank you, Lyn lynan39@gmail.com

  63. Elaine M. de Boer says:

    My Five Roses Cookbook was given to me 32 years ago as a bridal shower gift. It is the one cookbook I always return to for basic, well-tested recipes. Today, I went to look up the Chocolate Brownie recipe, and I was disappointed to find that the main part of the recipe was gone; a whole chunk of paper missing. I guess I should not be surprised, because this recipe book has been well used over the years.
    Several years ago I bought a copy of it for one of my daughter, when I happened to see at a new book sale in the foyer of a clinic. Now, I wish I’d bought two!

    • Gail says:

      Chocolate Brownies (Also known as Fudge Squares)

      !/2 cup butter 2 eggs
      ! cup granulated sugar 1/2 cup Five Roses Enriched Flour
      2 ozs.melted unsweetened chocolate !/2 cup chopped walnuts

      Add butter to melted chocolate.Mix well,stir in sugar.When well mixed,add well beaten eggs.Add flour.Stir to a smooth batter,add nuts.Spread in a fairly thin layer on a greased shallow pan.Bake at 350 F. for 25 mins.

      When removed from oven,this mixture will appear soft and rather under cooked.Mark off in squares while warm.Let Brownies stand in pan until they harden as they cool.They will look and taste like chocolate fudge.


  64. Janny says:

    Five roses was what I learned to cook with as well. It’s my go-to book. I took the pages that were falling out and copied them or glued them into a binder cause I don’t want to lose them. It’s the best cook book out there..I know cause I have hundreds of cookbooks stacked all over my house. =D My most used recipe is the baking powder biscuits. Yuuuumm!

  65. rhondajo@telus.net says:

    what is the yorkshire pudding recipe?? I was hoping someone
    would have typed it in?? Please…..

    • me too…temporarily lost my coobook…I moved and it’s in a box somewhere!!!

    • Caroline says:

      Yorkshire pudding recipe
      1 cup Five Roses all purpose flour
      1/2 tsp. salt
      3 eggs
      1 cup milk
      2 tsp. of roast drippings ( to put in the batter)
      2 tbsp. of roast drippings (for the pan)

      Preheat oven to 450F
      Combine flour and salt in mixing bowl and set aside. Beat eggs with a fork; add milk and 2 tsp. roast drippings. Mix well and pour into dry ingredients. Beat at high speed with mixer for about 2 minutes until smooth. Pour 2 tbsp. drippings into square baking pan or divide between 12 muffin cups. Heat in oven for about five minutes till almost smoking hot then pour in batter and return to oven immediately. Bake until puffed and brown about 15 mins, gradually lowering the temp to 350 F for the remainder of the baking or until done. Turn off oven and allow the pudding(s) to dry about 10 minutes.
      (I use this recipe all the time but I do add an extra egg to the batter and always use the muffin cups and instead of dividing the drippings I just omit that part and spray them liberally with Pam baking spray.)

  66. Jane says:

    OMG!! I think this is the cookbook my mom and I baked from. It went missing from her house. Mom and I spent so much time together trying all the recipes…just not sure what happened to it?? If someone could confirm this cookbook was spiral wire bound with a red cover…then this is the one I have been looking for!! Where would I get a copy, I so miss this book, especially since my mom has passed ❤ Thanks to anyone that can help 🙂

  67. grandmabanana says:

    Someone please help. I ripped out the page with the Rich Flaky Pastry recipe on it ( pg. 77) because I wanted to take it with me and now I cannot find it. Please can anybody write down the recipe for me, it is a fail safe pastry recipe and I hve been using it for years. I should know it off by heart , and I most do but not sure about msments of baking powder and soda, and salt. Thanks

  68. Rich Flaky Pastry is

    2 cups a/p flour
    1/2 tsp salt
    1/4 tsp baking powder
    2 TBSP sugar
    1/4 cup lard
    1/2 cup butter
    About 9 TBSP ice-cold water

    Stir flour, salt, baking powder, and sugar together, Cut in lard and butter with pastry blender until mixture is crumbly. Add water, a little at time, using just enough to bind mixture so that the dough can be patted lightly to form a ball. HANDLE AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE. Roll as for Standard Pastry (pg 75). Bake as directed for filling.

  69. toppcgames says:


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  70. Carpet pad says:

    Carpet pad…

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  72. no salt water softener…

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  73. Perry says:

    Can someone please post for me the Prize Pizza recipe on page 126?I have the original cookbook but it looks exactly like the one one in the picture at the top of this page! >_< It's worn out and yellow and I only have half of page 126 on which the pizza recipe is on! I have used this pizza recipe a few times and I like it.If someone could post the recipe for me I would be eternally grateful! Thanks! 🙂

    • Perry says:

      Actually I have the list of ingredients,that’s still on the tattered page,it’s the method that is missing and that I need.Thanks 😀

  74. Perry says:

    Still waiting.Anybody? 😦

  75. Caroline says:

    I also love this book as it is the first one I learned to cook from too. I have a 1915 edition, a 1950’s and a 1960’s edition plus one that is probably the 1980’s(got it from Mom for Christmas one year brown cover, spiral bound) and I refer to them all the time. They change with the times of course but the really great recipes like Yorkshire pudding, white bread, and mmmmm corn fritters are still the same! Thanks for posting! @ Perry….Prize pizza method: I am assuming you have the total ingredient list so I will only type the method here for the crust and assembly of pizza. Dissolve sugar in lukewarm water,add yeast and let stand 10 minutes.Add beaten egg. In a large bowl combine flour and salt. Stir in yeast egg mixture until well blended. Turn out on a lightly floured board and knead until smooth and satiny, about 3 minutes. Place in a greased bowl… cover with a tea towel and let rise until double in bulk in a warm and humid place about 85°F for approx.1.5 hours. Cut dough in half, shape into flattened balls and spread with fingers onto two 10″ lightly oiled pizza pans.
    Preheat oven to 450°F. Heat oil over medium heat in saucepan,add onion and garlic and cook till transparent. Add tomatoes,tomato paste sugar and seasonings. Simmer over low heat 30 minutes stirring frequently. Spread over prepared dough in pans and top with pepperoni,green pepper strips and sliced mushrooms… top with cheese. Bake on bottom rack of oven for about 20 minutes or until crust is nicely browned.

    • Sarah says:

      Caroline, (or anyone else who has it!) I don’t know if you still read this but is there anyway you could post the ingredients for the pizza dough?? I ordered a copy of the 1967 book for my husband so he could have that recipe again and it’s not in that version! I would so SO appreciate someone posting it… Thank you!!

      • carol says:

        Hi Sarah here is the ingredients list for both dough and sauce
        1pkg. active dry yeast.
        1/2tsp. sugar
        1 1/4 cups lukewarm water
        1 egg beaten
        4 cups Five Roses all purpose flour
        1 1/2 tsp. salt
        2 tbsp. olive oil
        1/2 cup chopped onion
        4 garlic cloves finely chopped
        1-14 oz. can Italian tomatoes
        1/3 cup tomato paste
        1 tsp. sugar
        1 1/2 tsp. dried oregano leaves crushed
        1 tsp salt
        1/2 tsp fresh basil leaves crushed
        1/2 bay leaf
        Pepper to taste
        Pepperoni, green pepper, mushrooms.
        340 gram package of mozzarella cheese shredded (3/4 lb)
        That is it and the method for the pizza is in the post above yours Enjoy!

  76. Perry says:

    Oh wow! Thanks so much Caroline! I appreciate it immensely! I had just about given up hope of someone posting the method for me.lol.Yes I have all the ingredients needed and my book is the spiral one,so mine is from the 80’s,not the original.I didn’t know that the original cookbook dated back to 1915! Wow! Thanks again dear! 😀 *Hugs*

  77. I am out of the country and miss my Five Roses Flour Cook book. Can anyone give me the recipe for the basic refrigerator ice box cookie and the basic drop cookie.

    much appreciated


    • Caroline says:

      Basic Drop Cookie
      I cup Five Roses all purpose flour
      1/2 tsp baking powder
      1/4 tsp salt
      pinch baking soda
      1/3 cup butter or margarine
      1/3 cup packed brown sugar
      1 egg
      11/2 tbsp milk
      1/2 tsp vanilla
      Combine dry ingredients and set aside. Cream butter add brown sugar gradually beating well. Add egg milk and vanilla, mix well. Blend in dry ingredients. Drop by spoonfuls onto greased coojkie sheet leaving space for spreading. Bake at 375F for 10 minutes till browned. Cool on rack .Yield 4 dozen

  78. sony ericsson adapteri za mobilne…

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  79. inspired minds…

    […]Worth replacing: Five Roses cookbook « Dana McCauley’s food blog[…]…

  80. beverly adams says:

    I learned how to bake from this cookbook when i was 15. i remember baking biscuits…cinnamon toast…sweet dumplings…and pancakes….such memories…..

  81. Michelle says:

    I just asked my Mom to bake the sweet dough (I remember it being braided) that she cooked when I was a child for Easter next weekend. Apparnetly her Five Roses cookbook has been lost along the way over the years. Is anyone out there able to email me this recipe? Please and thank you.

  82. Perry says:

    For Michelle:

    Basic sweet dough for sweet rolls and fancy breads.

    2 packages active dry yeast
    1 cup lukewarm water
    2 teaspoons sugar
    1 cup milk
    ¼ cup butter
    ½ cup sugar
    1 teaspoon salt
    6 cups Five Roses all-purpose flour
    2 eggs, beaten
    1 teaspoon grated lemon rind

    Sprinkle yeast into lukewarm water, add 2 teaspoons sugar, let stand for 10 minutes, then stir. Scald milk; add butter, sugar and salt. Cool to lukewarm and add softened yeast; mix together. Add half the Five Roses flour to make a thick batter; beat well. Add eggs and lemon rind; beat well. Stir in remaining flour, using only enough to make a soft dough that does not stick to hands or bowl. Turn out on a lightly floured board and knead until smooth and satiny-about 10 minutes. Place in a greased bowl; turn dough over to grease top. Cover and let rise in a warm place until double in size-about 1 ½ hours. Punch down and knead lightly. Shape into rolls or bread or one of the following variations. Place in greased pans, cover and let rise in a warm place until double in size-about 1 hour. Bake at 375⁰ F, 15 to 20 minutes for rolls; 35 to 40 minutes for bread.

    Yield:3 dozen rolls or 2 sweet breads.

    Bohemian Braid

    Make sweet dough as directed. To shape: divide half the dough into 9 portions. Roll each portion into a long roll. Braid 4 rolls loosely and place on a greased baking sheet. Then braid 3 rolls and place on top of the first braid. Twist last two portions together and place on top. Repeat with second portion of dough or use for one of the other variations. Cover and let rise in a warm place until double in bulk. Bake at 375 ⁰F, 40 to 45 minutes. Frost with Confectioner’s frosting and sprinkle with chopped nuts.

    Confectioner’s Frosting
    Sift 2 cups icing sugar. Very slowly add boiling water, a tablespoon at a time, until right spreading consistency. Spread on slightly cooled bread or rolls.

  83. […] 1915, and is still in print. It’s worth buying and not just for the pancake recipe – even big time cooks think so. It also has the best macaroni and cheese Macaroni Au Gratin recipe, and a cool […]

  84. Joyce Bigelow says:

    I find myself in need of a 1954 Five Roses cookbook as I gave mine to my eldest daughter and want to go back to basics…… I miss my book and am not satisfied with the recipe for my dark christmas cake ….. please, can you send me a copy of this particular cookbook. thank you.

    Joyce Bigelow
    a past …… present …… and future cook

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  86. Shirley Dyks says:

    HELLO..I also have the 50+ yr old Five Roses cookbook -minus its front and back cover and some pages. I have used this book for the last 48 years and would like to get another one in better shape than mine with all of its pages. Does anyone have one that they would like to get rid of (or sell). I sure would love to hear from you. Thanks
    Shirley Dyks

  87. Joan Palmer says:

    My Five Roses cookbook was blue and didn’t have the spine, but I don’t seem to have it any more. I really would like to have the recipe for Hunter’s Chicken from it if anyone can find it. It was the best. Thanks

  88. Simone says:

    I took my mum’s copy of this book when i was coming to the UK 20 years ago. she has since acquired another updated version for herself and a copy for me. this was a staple cookbook in Trinidad and a Canadian colleague at work’s mum has a copy too. my mum’s original copy is in very bad condition and is very much thumbed through a lot worse than the one in the picture… i developed a love of baking fromt his book. the new version has got a wonderful cottage pie with a layer of creamed sweet corn between the meat and potatoes…delicious…im looking for a copy of the original to keep for myself as some of the old favourites havenot been reprinted in my 26th edition updated copy.

  89. Habibi says:

    Im impressed, I have to admit. Really rarely will i encounter a weblog thats both educative and entertaining, and without a doubt, you can have hit the nail about the head. Your notion is outstanding; the dilemma is an issue that not enough men and women are speaking intelligently about. I’m pleased that we stumbled across this at my search for some thing relating to this.

    • kaden says:

      please can somebody post the recipe for the banana nut loaf out of this cookbook.. i borrowed my koms and the one page missing is that page with the banada bread recipe on it.. NEED IT SOOOOO BAD.. ITS ALL I WANT FOR XMAS IS THAT RECIPE LOL.. THANKS

      • Caroline says:

        Banana Nut Loaf
        1-1/2 cups Five Roses all purpose flour
        2 teaspoons baking powder
        1/4 teaspoon baking soda
        1 teaspoon salt
        1/4 cup sugar
        1/2 cup chopped walnuts
        2 eggs beaten
        1/3 cup of corn syrup
        1 cup mashed ripe banana

        Stir dry ingredients together in a large bowl. Stir in nuts. Mix remaining ingredients together in another bowl. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients, pour in liquid ingredients and stir only until flour is moistened. Spoon into greased loaf pan (8-1/2″ x 4-1/2″ x 2-1/2″). Bake at 350F 55 to 60 minutes.
        Store 6 hours or overnight before cutting.

  90. Kathy says:

    Oh my goodness!! I think thats my cookbook! I have an old Five Roses Flour cookbook that I’m actually trying to find another copy to replace, it was my grandma’s then my moms, both of which have passed away so it has meaning and notes in it that matter. Of course pages are missing since its old, and pages are tucked in because I don’t want to loose recipes that are mine, were moms and my grandma’s favorites. I think theres honestly only 2-3 that I use as it is in there but if I can’t decide what to make I too often find myself looking thru it for ideas, or knowing if my mom or grandma has notes by it, or if a page is well loved its going to be a good & safe recipe. I LOVE it, and I spent years trying to talk my mom out of it. I do wish I could find a less used copy so I could preserve (lock in a firesafe place) mine.

  91. Anne says:

    Mine looks just like this one too!! I’ve been looking since 2008 for a copy of the 24th edition – it is the best cookbook ever. I wrote to Five Roses and ordered a copy but they sent the 26th edition and although it is a great edition too, it just was not the same. My book is very close to being unusable so I will continue my quest to obtain a new copy.

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  94. Cindy LeBreton says:

    this story is the same as mine my copy of my mothers five roses book is in the same condition and I casually on occasion go back to it for more it makes me feel almost young again it bring me back to when I was a teenager lol. oh those porcupine balls were my first crack at the book I was so proud of myself I would love love love to get another copy with at least a little more than half of the pages left. thank you for sharing this lovely story cindy (:

  95. Wanita says:

    I have been searching for the five roses banana nut quick bread recipe from I believe a 60s edition. Has been a family favorite and my passed down edition was destroyed. If anyone could help me I would really appreciate it. Thank you

    • Caroline says:

      Hi Wanita, this is the recipe for Banana Nut Loaf from page 28 of the Five Roses flour cookbook.

      1 1/2 cups Five Roses all purpose flour
      2 tsp. baking powder
      1/4 tsp. baking soda
      1 tsp. salt
      1/4 cup sugar
      1/2 cup chopped walnuts
      2 eggs beaten
      1/3 cup corn syrup
      1 cup mashed ripe banana
      Stir dry ingredients together in a large bowl. Stir in nuts. Mix remaining ingredients together in another bowl. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients and pour in the liquid ingredients and stir only until the flour is moistened. Spoon into a greased loaf pan (81/2″ x 41/2″ x 21/2″) bake at 350 F 55 to 60 minutes. Store 6 hours or overnight before slicing.

      * I notice that this recipe uses no shortening or butter or oil. I have never tried this but I might now. Enjoy!

      • Wanita says:

        Thank you very much Caroline

      • Caroline says:

        Hi Wanita, I was really wondering about the “no fat” in this recipe because it is unusual so I checked my Five Roses book against my daughters Five Roses book (same edition) and it looks like mine must be a misprint because her book calls for 1/3 cup of shortening or butter where mine calls for 1/3 cup corn syrup. I would suggest using the butter /shortening instead of the syrup. It’s odd because we leafed through both books and the rest of both books seem exactly the same except that one recipe. Hope this helps.

  96. Jasmine says:

    I know this post is a little old but..
    I too rremember the traditional Five Roses cookbook that my grandma owned. In fact, my mom still has it and won’t give it up. Lol

    But, a few years back I found my own. Not quite the same year as my grandmas but still close. I found it at VALU VILLAGE and seen another once at a SALVATION ARMY. Just thought I’d pass the info along 🙂

  97. Meredith says:

    I have a 1932 copy of my grandmother’s cookbook. I love the variations in cake batter and bread, plus the tips such as how to make potato yeast and what order to mix ingredients in. It has handy charts at the front for cooking meat, dry and liquid measurements, and standard (though not so standard these days) substitutions. I have checked the new cookbooks and they don’t have some of the cookies I make every Christmas – so I keep the cookbook pieces in a sealed plastic bag and keep hoping I’ll come across an old used version. This is my favorite cookbook for sentimental and practical reasons.

    • Ann-Marie says:

      I have this version too…I believe the story behind the book is when I was born, the elderly neighbour gave my mother a cookbook she would use on occasion. It is a black hardcover that has since lost its spine and many of the pages have separated. it now stays enclosed in a heavy brown paper wrap. Love this cookbook…made my first cookies from a recipe in it…prize shortbread!

  98. cher says:

    Hi , my recipe for Prize Pizza is a little different , I don’t know how old the book is as this page is torn out .
    1 pkg. dry yeast (2 1/2 teas.)
    1/4 cup lukewarm water
    1 tablespoon sugar
    1 teas. salt
    1 tablespoon shortening 1 cup boiling water
    2 3/4 cups five roses flour
    Soften yeast in warm water for 10 mins. Place sugar,salt and shortening with boiling water ( I use 1/2 cup boiling to melt & 1/2 cup cold to cool after ) in large bowl ,stir till dissolved.
    Cool , add yeast. Add 1 1/2 cups flour, beat until smooth, add remaining flour. Knead until smooth on lightly floured board. Divide into thirds, knead each piece into smooth ball. Roll into pizza shape add to pan , Rise 15 mins., brush lightly with oil , add toppings Bake in moderate hot oven (425 F) 20 to 25 mins. Yield 3 9″ pizzas.

  99. […] Worth replacing: roses cookbook | dana mccauley’ […]

  100. I have tried several recipes for Butter Tarts but none, not a one, compares to those I made following the Five Roses Cookbook recipe from my cookbook I was gifted as a shower present in 1966. Sad to say, someone thought they were helping when we moved, and tossed my coverless cookbook into the recycling bin. Anyone able to help me with the recipe that had butter, brown sugar, eggs, milk, vanilla and currants in it? They didn’t boil over as there was no syrup in the recipe. fralin66@gmail.com (Lin G.)

  101. Caroline says:

    Hi Linda, here is the recipe…..

    Prize Butter Tarts
    1 pastry recipe
    1 egg beaten
    1/3 cup butter
    1 cup brown sugar
    2 Tbsp. milk
    1/2 cup raisins, currants or chopped pecans
    1 tsp. vanilla

    Prepare pastry, roll 1/8″ thick and cut in 4″ rounds. Press into medium size tart pans.Mix all ingredients together and fill tart shells 2/3 full. Bake in hot oven 450F for 8 mins and reduce heat to 350F and bake for 15-20 mins longer or until pastry is a delicate brown. makes 12-15 tarts.

    • Thank you SO much! I’m on the phone with my Mom right now and she is lamenting she’d lost that page of her book and she’s tried to recreate it. I’ve just sent her what you posted. Also, I found and ordered two copies of the ’67 edition (for my Mom and myself) from a place called Discover Books in Toledo, Ohio.

  102. susan says:

    how do I get a replacement for my Mom’s old Five rose cookbook ???

  103. Michelle says:

    I too have a cook book that I can not let go of. It’s a Five Roses Cookbook from 1915. It has all the pages and is good shape. I find myself going to it when baking.

  104. I got my own copy of the Five Roses “Guide To Good Cooking” on my brother’s 13th birthday, which was 30 years ago yesterday. I just realised that. It’s kind of cool, then, that I just used the Sugar Cookie recipe from it to bake for him & to give them to him tomorrow, when our family’s getting together for his birthday.

    My mom’s favourite & definitely well worn cookbook is the Mennonite Treasury from the 1950s, I think. I’m pretty sure it’s the original edition, & she’s used it so much that, while pages aren’t falling out, some’re pretty close to it. I have an updated version of it, which has some different recipes & is missing some favourites from the original edition. I still love it, though.

    One thing that I love looking at in Mom’s favourite book is the section for large recipes. All the recipes in that section were for the Canadian Mennonite conference held one year back in the ’50s, & the amounts are enormous, as you can imagine. Definitely not meant for family cooking, unless you’re having a family gathering & you have a large family. 🙂

    Another favourite cookbook of mine is one that Mom has. It’s from the Canadian North & contains all sorts of recipes adapted from Inuit & other First Nations traditions from the north. My favourite recipe from that book is for bannock.

    Yum!! 😀

  105. Donna says:

    I’m in search of a missing recipe for Refrigerator/icebox cookies from the 1963 The Five Roses Guide to Home Baking Sales. I’ve tried other recipes and the family always says they are not the same.

    • Caroline says:

      I checked my old Blue cover Five Roses (version revised in 1962) book and it has Ice box cookies and is as follows:
      2-1/2 cups sifted Five Roses Flour
      1 cup brown sugar
      2/3 cup butter or margarine
      1 egg
      1/2 cup glace cherries
      1/2 cup blanched almonds
      1/2 teaspoon almond extract
      1/2 teaspoon baking soda
      Cream butter and brown sugar. Add slightly beaten egg and beat well. Sift flour and soda together, add to batter and beat well. Cut cherries in quarters and chop almonds and add to mixture. Add almond extract. Form into a roll, wrap in wax paper and chill until hard. When hard slice thinly with a sharp knife and bake at 350F until golden brown. Makes 6 dozen cookies.
      I hope this is the recipe you wanted. I just made this today! Merry Christmas

      • Joan Palmer says:

        I’m looking for the Hunters Chicken recipe from that book. No-one seems to have it. Joan Palmer

  106. Mary says:

    I am looking for the recipe on page 92 of the Five Roses cookbook (that is shown in picture) for shortcake dough. Thanks

    • Caroline says:

      Hi Mary…here is the recipe from page 92 Basic Shortcake dough
      2 1/4 cups Five Roses all purpose flour
      4 tsp. baking powder
      1/2 tsp salt
      2 Tbsp. sugar
      1/4 cup butter
      3/4 cup milk
      1/4 cup water

      Stir dry ingredients together. Cut in butter with 2 knives or pastry blender until mixture is crumbly. Combine milk and water in saucepan and heat until just warm. Make a well in dry ingredients and pour only 7/8 cup of milk mixture into dry mix and toss lightly with a fork until liquid is absorbed. Knead lightly (about 10 times) on a lightly floured board. Divide dough in two parts and place in two greased 8 inch layer pans, pat down dough with hand. Bake in a hot oven 450°F 10-12 minutes until lightly browned.Serve warm. Place sweetened strawberries between layers and on top and garnish with sweetened whipped cream. Serves 6…… (it doesn’t say what to do with the other 1/8 cup of water/milk mixture lol)

  107. Ann-Marie says:

    I have a 1932 edition of the book. The very first recipe I made was the Prize Shortbread on page 65 with my own notes as I doubled it the second time around. It is a black hardcover book and in dire straits. If anyone knows where I can find a replacement, please reply.

  108. Carol says:

    I had the Five Rose cookbook but I don’t any longer. The best Mac and
    Cheese recipe ever.
    Would anyone happen to have THAT recipe . I would love to make it again. Thanks

  109. Cheryl says:

    A Guide to Good Cooking !954 : Macaroni & Cheese

    Add 1 heaping cup of macaroni , broken in pieces, gradually to large amount of boiling salted water. Cook rapidly until tender. When done , drain and rinse by letting hot water run through it for a minute, and again drain thoroughly.

    Make Standard Sauce (page 153) and season with salt,pepper and a dash of mustard.Grate 1 cup of Canadian cheese.
    Prepare1/2 cup buttered bread crumbs.Place a layer of macaroni in greased baking dish , cover with layer of cheese & layer of sauce. Continue until dish is full, finishing with sauce. Spread bread crumbs over top , dust with paprika.

    Bake at 375 F until mixture is heated through & crumbs are brown.
    Standard Sauce :
    4 tablespoons butter, 4 tablespoons Five Roses Flour3/4 to 1 teaspoon salt ,few grains of pepper 1 to 2 teaspoons of onion juice ( opt ). 2 cups sweet milk.

    Melt buttering small smooth saucepan, add flour and stir over moderate heat for 3 minutes after mixture begins to bubble.Add salt , pepper and milk, very gradually, Stir constantly over direct heat until mixture is smooth & thick.Care must be taken that butter & flour mixture does not brown.

    For Cream Sauce use cream
    For Cheese sauce add 1/4 to 1/2 cup grated Canadian cheese
    For Parsley sauce add 1 tablespoon finely minced parsley.
    Yield : 2 cups of sauce

  110. Mark says:

    Does anyone have the recipe for pancakes, page 35 I think from Five Roses Guide to Good Cooking? Our recipe book has simply lost some of the more used pages over the years! Awesome book that we have used for 45 years!

  111. Deborah Knight says:

    This is from a later edition:
    1 1/3 cups Five Roses All Purpose Flour
    2 tbsp sugar
    1 tbsp baking power
    1/2 tsp salt
    1 egg, beaten
    1 1/4 cup milk
    2 tbsp melted butter or vegetable oil
    1/4 tsp vanilla

    Co,bine flour, suar, baking powder and salt. In a small bowl, combine beaten egg, milk, melted butter and vanilla. Make a well in the centre of the dry ingredients and pour liquid all at once. Stir quickly until it comes freely form side of bowl. Drop in small amount (3 tbsp) on hot pancake griddle or cook 4 at a time in electric frying pan. Grease frying pan at the beginning only. Cook pancakes until they are filled with bubbles and the undersurface is golden brown. Turn and brown the other side. Serve immediately with syrup, honey, jam or jelly. Yield 10 4″ pancakes.

  112. Kimberly Donaldson says:

    Hi does any one have the recipe for the Prize Shortbread cookies. The page from my mom’s recipe book fell out over 20 years ago. I wrote out the recipe and meant to save it on my laptop and now I can not find it. 😦

    • Caroline says:

      If you send your email address to mine I will reply with the recipe. I wrote it out here for you but when I went to post the recipe a pop up said I was duplicating the post and wouldn’t let me send. Maybe I’ve posted too many recipes? Lol!…my email is sunflowerbella@hotmail.com…..all the best, Caroline.
      Anybody wishing a recipe from Five Rose’s cookbooks can do the same

  113. Tmmy says:

    A piece is ripped off the top of my recipe for standard rolls on page 24. I’m missing the amount for yeast, water and sugar. Can anyone help?

    • Caroline says:

      2 pkgs instant dry yeast
      1 cup lukewarm water
      1/3 cup of sugar
      2 teaspoons of salt
      2 eggs well beaten
      5 cups Five Rose’s all purpose Flour
      1/3 cup of melted butter

    • Caroline says:

      Here are the ingredients for Standard Rolls
      2 pkgs instant dry yeast
      1 cup lukewarm water
      2 teaspoons of sugar
      2 cups of milk
      1 tablespoon of salt
      1/4 cup of sugar
      1/3 cup of shortening
      8 cups Five Rose’s all purpose Flour
      Melted butter or margarine

  114. Rosalyne says:

    Eureka! I have hope… Can anyone give a helping hand to provide the old Five Roses/Purity cookbook recipe from (if memory serves?) page 31-35? It is very nearby the basic pancake recipe…. but it is the one for ‘French Pancakes’ or ‘French Silk Pancakes’. I’m really craving these silky texture pancakes.

    • Caroline says:

      Hello Rosalyn…page 37 French pancakes
      3 eggs separated
      1 tbsp.granulated white sugar
      1 cup of milk
      3/4 cup of Fives Rose’s all purpose flour
      1 tbsp. melted butter
      Currant, Apple or Raspberry jelly
      Beat egg yolks until thick and lemon colored then add sugar and 1/2 cup milk. Stir in Five Roses Flour with remaining milk and melted butter. Beat egg whites until stiff but not dry and then fold into batter. Drop by 1/3 cupfuls onto hot griddle and cook until they are filled with bubbles and the underside is golden brown. Turn and brown the other side.
      Spread each pancake with jelly and roll up placing on plate with flap underneath to prevent unrolling. Sprinkle with granulated sugar or powdered sugar. Serve at once…delicious as a dessert. Makes 8 to 10 pancakes

  115. Sharon Puype says:

    If anyone has the recipe that was in it for oven porcupines i would like it..i misplaced my book and it was a better recipe than others

  116. Aundrea Akel says:

    You made some good points there. I did a search on the subject and found most individuals will go along with with your website.

  117. Jennifer says:

    Does anyone have the recipe that was in the original cookbook for ice box peanut butter cookies? I seem to have misplaced my cookbook and the five roses website doesn’t have it.

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  120. Marjorie ireland says:

    I would like to buy this book again mime is so old missing pages and I love this book could help me where to buy it thanks Marjorie

  121. Lan Chewning says:

    Worth replacing: Five Roses cookbook | Dana McCauley’s food blog

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  122. jamie-lynn chaisson says:

    I am also looking to replace this book for my grandmother, hers is missing a bunch of pages

  123. Donna Cox says:

    I am missing pages from my well used/loved Five Roses cookbook from the 60’s, and don’t have the lasagne recipe anymore. It was the one I always used, and if anyone has it, please post it here for me. I would greatly appreciate it.

  124. Donna Cox says:

    Here is a link to amazon to buy a Five Roses Cookbook! https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1552854582/ref=rdr_ext_sb_ti_sims_1

  125. Darlene says:

    I am seeking the 24th edition
    Pauline Harvey was the director of five roses kitchens at the time.
    Best book ever .

  126. Linda Mayoh says:

    i’m searching for the ”Rich Wedding Cake” that was in the 1967 Five Roses cookbook. It’s a fruit cake but its not listed in the fruit cake section but the cake section, My Mom made this cake at my brothers wedding and every bit of cake was gone. They handed out pieces of the wrapped cake and some of the guest found the box where the cake was and not one piece was left. I bought the new cookbook but its not included anymore.


    Linda M

  127. Caroline Stewart says:

    If you send your email address to me at sunflowerbella@hotmail.com I will send you a pic of the page….its a big recipe and a lot to type here:)

  128. Melisa Thomas says:

    I asked my mom why she hadn’t made her sour cream coffee cake for a long time and she said it’s because the recipe was from an old Five Roses cookbook she lost. I don’t know which edition it was. Grrr!

    • Linda Mayoh says:

      I just bought the newer 1967 edition of Five Roses A guide to good cooking. I found to coffee cakes that have sour cream in the ingredient lists. One is Spice ‘n’ Coffee Cake and the other is Apple Coffee Cake.
      Does either of these sound familiar? Let me now.


  129. Sandra Murphy says:

    I have on that is missing the cover and several pages..on page 45 there are 3 recipes…moms best spice cake, cherry cake and honey plum cake. Does anyone know what edition it is?
    Desperately want to replace it.

  130. Courtenay says:

    Does anyone have the lasagne recipe from this cook book? I lost my 5 roses cookbook during a move and it was my favourite.

  131. Mary J. Gallant says:

    My book looks like the picture. Unfortunately I have lost the page with the Lasagna Recipe-would someone mind posting it.

  132. Dianne Siebarth says:

    I am looking for the recipe for scalloped potatoes from a very old Five Roses Cookbook
    Not all of the books have it.
    Can anyone tell me where I can find it

  133. D Knight says:

    Scalloped Potatoes
    6-7 medium size potatoes
    3 tablespoons butter
    3 tablespoons Five Roses All-purpose Flour
    1 teaspoon salt
    Few grains pepper
    2 cups scalded milk
    1/4 cup cup chopped onion
    Few grains paprika
    Grated cheese (optional)

    Wash and peel potatoes slice thinly. Spread about 1/3 of the slices in a buttered 1 1/2 quart casserole. Melt butter in a saucepan; slowly blending in Five Roses Flour, salt and pepper. Gradually add hot milk, stirring constantly. Sprinkle potatoes with half the onions and 1/2 of the sauce. Cover with another layer or potatoes and remaining onions. Place remaining potatoes on top, then cover with remaining sauce. Sprinkle with paprika and grated cheese, if desired. Bake, uncovered, in a moderate oven (375 degrees F) 1 hour or until done and potatoes are lightly browned on top.
    Yield: 6 servings

  134. Helen says:

    I lost then page out of my five roses book for Meatloaf. Does anyone have that one?

    • Ann-Marie says:

      Hi! I have the 1932 version of the book. Not sure if it’s the exact but here is the recipe from page 99. 🙂

      1 teaspoon each of chopped onion, parsley and celery
      1 teaspoon salt
      ¼ teaspoon pepper
      2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
      1 cup stale breadcrumbs
      4 cups minced cooked meat
      1 egg, well beaten
      2 tablespoons melted butter
      Left-over gravy
      Stock or milk
      Mix ingredients in order given.
      Add stock or milk to make the mixture
      moist enough to hold together. Bake in a well-greased bread-pan in a moderateoven (375 deg. F.) for 30 to 40 minutes. Baste with a mixture of butter or dripping and hot water. Serve with Tomato, Creole or Spanish Sauce (page 92).

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