Would you date a gastrosexual?

October 23, 2008

Okay, now that we’ve discussed economical cooking and ethical meat choices, let’s turn our attention in a more frivolous direction today.

Remember how Mr. Big used to cook for Carrie on Sex and The City? Remember how more than just the dim sum got hot and steamy in those scenes? Turns out that products aimed at affluent men who use their cooking skills to woo women are being launched left, right and centre to capture the cash of real life ‘Mr. Bigs’.

Of course, every marketing demographic needs a name and a European marketing group has suggested that these shoppers be dubbed gastrosexuals.

The name leaves much to be desired if you ask me (it sounds like something you need medication to prevent!) but regardless, it’s an interesting demographic, one that likely needs someone like me to create recipes that reflect their core values and needs (marketers – call me!). While I wait for the phone to ring, let’s check out some products being marketed to these so-called gastrosexuals:

Porsche Designed Kitchens
Jamie Oliver Video Game
Hell’s Kitchen Video Game
Robust Relish for Gentlemen